Years 1 - 4
Across school there are two classes in each year group. Year group classes follow the same curriculum and the class teachers plan together to ensure equal provision. In addition, teaching assistants work across the classes to provide targeted support/challenge to pupils as required.

In Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) & Key Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4), our mornings focus on the teaching of the basic skills of reading, writing, phonics/SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and mathematics. This is done through interactive lessons where children are encouraged to talk and be active in their learning. Lessons are always given a purpose so the children understand why they need to learn what is being taught, and the classroom set-up is varied regularly depending on the activities being used.
Many of our afternoon lessons are taught in blocks and planned through our ‘Project on a Page’ approach (see Year Group plans below). This approach allows our children to really deepen their knowledge of a particular theme before moving on to another subject - they can become engrossed in a topic and really develop their skills and understanding. The children refer to their learning as ‘mini-projects’. Each term starts with a launch or hook, and has built in an ‘exhibition’ where children share their learning with a specific audience. The content of each lesson is focussed on the development of subject specific skills, which are progressively planned across each year group, allowing children to always make links with and build on their prior learning.

To find out what we are learning in each year group in detail, click the images below: