School Payments
All payments to school are made via our online system - SchoolComms/School Gateway.
Parents can access this via an App or on the website; where possible we encourage you to use the App and have notifications enabled, as this allows us to send you ‘text’ messages for free.
The school office is now ‘cashless’, so it is vitally important that parents activate an account on SchoolComms. This is where you will make payments for school meals, school trips, breakfast and after school clubs, non-uniform days etc.
Your account on this system is taken directly from the one we hold for you on our database - if you change your email address, please be sure to let us know asap.
How to set up an account
- Go to www.schoolgateway.com or download the App
- When you visit for the first time, please select ‘New User’ and enter the email address and mobile telephone number you have registered with the school
- The system will send a PIN code to your phone; please enter this PIN code and your account will be activated for you.
As soon as you've got the system set-up, you'll be able to pay money to the school online.
If you have any problems with any of the above please contact the school office.
SchoolComms have produced a parent guide to support parents initially setting us their account. This is also a useful troubleshooting guide if you run into any problems. Click here to access this. (Please note: We do not have all features of the app enabled.) To access the guide click here
Payments for milk
All children under 5 receive free milk each day.
Once your child turns 5, you will need to pay for milk if you want them to continue having it. This is ordered and paid for through a separate system to the above (as milk is subsidised).
To set up an online account for milk ordering, please click here and follow the on screen instruction.